
Are you prone to thinking someone else’s path in life is better than yours? I am. Always have been. So, oftentimes without realizing it, I jump the rails of my journey and start down someone else’s. “If that thing is working for you – then it will work for me.” Whether it’s a career path, a face lotion, or a parenting style. Don’t get me wrong – I am all about sharing resources and ideas! All about it! And also, frequently find myself off balance and have to focus inward to find out why. Only to then realize, I went all in on something that wasn’t a fit for me. Again. I have done this recently – big time, and so today as I rebalance and reset I have gone back to my all time favorite mantra.
“I have enough. I do enough. I am enough. Every single day.”


Have you seen The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse? I am of the opinion that if you don’t have AppleTV+ it’s worth the cost of a one month subscription (go ahead and watch both seasons of Ted Lasso while you have it). This lovely 30 minute film just won an Oscar and it was so well deserved. I started following Charlie Mackesy on instagram at the beginning of the pandemic and his artwork brought me joy and sweet reminders that life is good. In addition to his touching art, he offers up his vulnerability and introversion to the world in a really amazing way. One of my favorite bits is right at the beginning when the mole asks the boy, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and the boy responds, “Kind.”

Being Fit

There is a voiceover conference coming up next week where I am going to meet a lot of my virtual friends for the first time. I’m excited and a bit nervous. One of my vfriends (I just made that up – clever no?) asked if I would like to go to the gym with him a couple of times during the conference for running or weight lifting. I was sort of floored. Why would he ask me that? Don’t we know each other at all?! I don’t run. I don’t lift weights. I was flattered that he would even ask and wanted to know why. He said I look fit on camera! Ha! I found hilarity in that for some reason. More importantly, I got this glimpse of myself as a person who runs and lifts weights – that could be me! In some alternate reality it already is. Somehow it shifted my thinking just a touch from “this, right now, is who I am and who I always will be” to “my story isn’t written – I may be 43 but I can still be any version of myself I so choose.” It was magic.

Turns out, brevity is not for me. Sorry Ann Hadley.
Did you try telling yourself you are enough? What did it feel like for you?
I would love to know.

If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.
– Carl Jung