Transitions Are Magical

Transitions Are Magical

I think I can claim that summer is officially over today. Yes, it doesn’t officially, officially end until September 22nd, but that’s inconsequential to life. The energy shifts at the end of August—kids go back to school, people return from their beach vacations, and...
What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human? Have you thought about that question more in the past year than you ever thought you would!? I have. There have been multiple interactions in voice over sessions this year where I have been told my voice is “refreshingly human” and that...
Self-Limiting Behavior and My Saviors

Self-Limiting Behavior and My Saviors

If you can name the movie that line is from, “No more rhyming, I mean it. Anybody want a peanut?” we should party together. At this stage of my life, that looks like a hike followed by Indian food and board games. And now, on to the meat of the matter—what a weird...
My $3.6K Mistake

My $3.6K Mistake

It’s like a car crash, huh? This newsie is supposed to be about joy and sparking creativity. Instead, let’s talk about shame. It was awful from beginning to end. I have one hard drive with all my pictures and videos on it. Photos of my grandma’s wedding, my mom’s...
Not Every Itch Needs To Be Scratched

Not Every Itch Needs To Be Scratched

Scratching an itchy bit is so satisfying. Recently, I made the decision to start regularly seeing an acupuncturist for wellness. It’s a weird new thing I’m trying – being proactive about my health rather than fixing something once it’s gone wrong. She had just...
Time To Shake Things Up

Time To Shake Things Up

Invoicing has always been the suckiest part of my job. Is there a part of your business, or one thing in your life that you dread, but you have to keep doing it over and over and over again? I see you, laundry. Invoicing is my perpetual purgatory. I can’t run a...