Last Minute Rewrite

For the first time since I began writing these, I had this entire newsletter prepared well in advance. But this morning, I woke up inspired to do something entirely different. It was going to be about how this is the year anniversary of this newsletter and how grateful I am for you keeping me accountable to joy. In essence, that’s the entire message in a single sentence. Consider those two paragraphs efficiently summarized – you’re welcome!

Instead I wanted to share with you something I made for my family. It’s HERE in case you don’t have time to read and just want the dang download already (jeez Anne why can’t you ever just get to the point!?) When Elliott, my oldest, was three, I began a traditional advent with my kids, packed with fun activities like gingerbread houses, ice skating, and taking gifts to the librarians. It has been the kids favorite thing and they want it to get bigger and better every year. This year, I shit you not, I had zero energy for it (did she just swear while talking about advent – yes). ZERO. I couldn’t muster up and holiday spirit to put it together and consider doing all those things and being so busy.

So, I decided on a completely different approach. This year, our advent will focus on moments of peace, joy, connection, and love, stepping away from the usual busyness and extravagance. There is no preparation required. No money spent. No added hustle. Just print these pages, cut them apart, and each day, randomly select one to read or do.

December has the possibility to be a time of true heart connection with ourselves and other people. It also has the potential to be a painful stroll through hectic chaos and consumerism. I hope you give this a try and that it brings you joy.

Holiday cards have always been one of my favorite things – I would love love love to send you one!!
Mailing address please.

“Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.” – Lao Tzu