Rethinking Self Care
Self care. It’s all the rage, huh? Oprah talks about it. It’s all over instagram. Even my doctor asked me the last time I saw her, “What are you doing for self care?”
Seems like it should be simple and joyful and our highest priority right? I mean, SELF CARE. What could be more important? So, WHY does it always take a backseat to getting shit done!
Here’s my theory. We swim in waters that applaud productivity – where you get a hit of dopamine every time you cross something off a list. There is no praise for:
- napping when exhausted
- methodically making tea and enjoying it while listening to the birds
- soaking in the tub until the water has gone cold
- meditating; journaling; drawing; playing solitaire
Without kudos what is the point!? I mean really. What do we honestly get from taking care of ourselves in this delicious, soothing way?
More energy?
More enjoyment and fulfillment in life?
Lower blood pressure?
A positive outlook?
Oh. Yeah ok. Selfcare.
Put it on the list. Let’s do it together. Then let’s be a part of changing the narrative so everyone prioritizes it.
And so it is (this is my new favorite alternative to ‘amen’).
Challenge (to myself – but you can play too): create a list of 13 things you
can do in 13ish minutes that bring you joy and make you feel nourished.
Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act
of political warfare. Audre Lorde
You yourself, as much as anybody in the the entire universe, deserve your love
and affection. Buddha
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including
you. Anne Lamott
What was on your list of 13 things?!
If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.
That’s weird Anne. Definitely do not send this email out and leave that in.
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