One Minute

The world seems upside down, again. I’m not in a bubble writing this newsletter and it feels tricky to figure out what to say when the global news is so heavy. Sometimes it feels hard to breathe. It’s challenging to focus on daily activities like making school lunches and sending invoices. Hard to keep going when nothing makes a lot of sense. These are a few of the things I do when I need take a minute to try and regroup:

Just one minute. May this lighten your load, even if just for a moment.


Last newsletter I mentioned that I was going to turn off my phone and computer at 5:30 every day for two weeks. I did it – mostly. A couple days I had to run to the booth for rush jobs but overall I was pretty fastidious about it. It was not life changing but it was good. In fact good enough that I am plan to continue, allowing a bit more flexibility for work, taking photos, and computer-required Christmas projects. My main takeaways:

    • Being fully present deepened my connection time with Nick and the kids in the evenings. I wasn’t even aware how distracted I was before.
    • My ‘after bedtime’ time was so freeing! I read books, took baths, just thought about things! Imagine that – I seriously laid on my bed and just thought about things without immediately grabbing my phone to write down an idea or look something up. It was magic. There is a lot of interesting things in my brain that don’t get to come out and play very often.
    • My sleep improved considerably.

I don’t know if it’s a thing that you are interested in but trying for just a week might change your mind.


Have you or anyone you know ever been on a gameshow? It’s on my bucket list, among a few other far reaching items (skydiving, visiting the 7 Natural Wonders of the World).  I’d love to be a contestant on a show where expertise or genius aren’t a prerequisite to winning. Like The Price is Right or $10,000 Pyramid. Every semester, I lead a class at my kids school – podcasting, stage combat, cooking & baking. This semester, I am facilitating “Game Shows!” Every week we play a different game show and it has reinvigorated my desire to be on one. It’s like a board game – which I fully love – but with lots of attention and higher stakes. I need to figure out how to get on one.

What’s your favorite gameshow?
If you have been on a real live gameshow you have to give me all the details – I will
pay you in chocolate!

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the
Now the primary focus of your life.
 Eckhart Tolle